There is nothing worse than sending a text message to a friend and not getting a response. We have all been there, some are still stuck there - Sorry =(
- I read the message and intended to respond, but then got distracted.
- I was doing something that doesn’t allow me to respond ( working, eating, shopping etc.)
- I have to organise myself and get comfortable... yeah I’m weird like that.
- I wait till I’m free to call them coz I cba to text back.
It can be extremely frustrating and depressing when someone doesn't reply to your texts (or takes a long time to reply). This rejection is actually so painful loool, especially when you really want to talk with them. It is natural to try to justify it by convincing yourself that their lack of response is due to other factors- I’m the queen of this btw! reasons & thoughts that run through your mind! such as:
Maybe they aren’t looking at their phone?- Bullshit! you just liked a pic on insta 2 mins ago.Maybe they are on the phone or talking to someone else?- Nah.
Maybe they are just busy and haven’t had a chance to respond yet? Hmm, unlikely
Maybe they are driving?... Pull over and reply then.
Maybe they passed out? -ok I will give you 5 mins to wake up.
Maybe they are sleeping? common excuse
Maybe they got company? -Fair enough
Am I not important to you anymore?
Do you not respect me?
The person really doesn’t like you?
Some people are just rude & mean!
They are getting back at you for ignoring one of their text messages? -Childish as Fuck!
What did I do to deserve this (Lol)?
What did I do to deserve this (Lol)?
They find your text message dialogue really boring and are on social media looking for something better to distract themselves with. - This is sooo depressing wow.
They just installed the new iOS and lost all their contacts (yes, even your precious contact info). They don’t recognise your number and are worried that your text might be from that person they gave their number to the night before.- I may have used this once or twice. *hides face*
They just installed the new iOS and lost all their contacts (yes, even your precious contact info). They don’t recognise your number and are worried that your text might be from that person they gave their number to the night before.- I may have used this once or twice. *hides face*
… and finally… did you actually check to see if YOU pressed send after you finished writing your emotionally charged message? This is the worst feeling ever and really makes you look at yourself as a super self-centred individual, realising that you are the only one to blame for getting all upset over nothing. -Lool me 70% of the time.
What reasons can you honestly say apply to you? More than you would like to admit ?
On the other hand I deffo think when people are interested, they WILL reply to text messages in reasonable timing. They will also initiate contact, show enthusiasm, and put effort into their texts. However I think the sad part is that we are all guilty of this lapse in communication judgment,
.... so why do we react so harshly when it happens to us? It becomes a personal attack to our worth when we don’t get a response within certain time limit. We have to be honest with ourself though... sometimes No ANSWER IS AN ANSWER! - harsh but true.
in the meantime...
This is what we do to all the people that don’t reply to us.
*repeat action*
(slyly makes me feel better)